A full body massage is a head to toe treatment including the whole body (except the genitals and other intimate areas). Other body parts can be excluded on request. In shorter appointments it may be necessary to omit areas such as the face or stomach in order to focus on more important areas like the back. We can take your direction on this to create a massage that’s most appropriate for your needs.
Most men prefer to be naked, covered with a towel. Alternatively some men prefer to keep underwear on (with or without a towel to cover). Others prefer to be totally naked. This decision is completely up to you.
Our standard attire is a white polo shirt and navy shorts
Some means of payment if you’ve not paid in advance. Everything else is provided.
We offer several different massage mediums. For most of our treatments we use a 100% pure and natural fractionated coconut oil. It’s one of the lightest massage oils available and therefore doesn’t feel sticky or greasy when left on the skin. It’s fragrance free (with virtually no natural odour), colourless and is easily washed out of clothing. Its consistency is very similar to the skin’s own oil with the same ph level and will not clog pores. In fact its antibacterial and antioxidant properties can help with acne and other skin irritations. It’s a natural source of vitamins A, B and E that help nourish the skin.
Unlike most spas or therapy centres where a masseur will see 6 – 8 clients per day, we have a limit of 4. This means we have plenty of energy for everyone.
Yes. Many of our male clients recommend us to their female friends. We also welcome trans and non-binary clients.